
While this is not required to open an account, or begin receiving items in your I am Gateway address.

All customers must complete the verification process to be able to request shipment, scan or discard orders.

Due to USA postal regulations all new customers will not be able to order any shipments or discards, or use the account for other purposes until the steps below are completed. This is a one time requirement by the USA government and we can’t waive it.

Now I am Gateway allows you to complete the Form 1583 process completely online! No need to use a notary. Try our video verification!


Print and complete blank Form 1583.

Ensure you've completed and uploaded your Form 1583 to begin onboarding. You can alternatively send the form via postal mail, or deliver through courier. Choose the method that works best for you!

In order to keep your account secure, we need to verify your identity. Please upload a photo of two identification documents. We take our customers' safety and security seriously. That's why we have such strict verification procedures in place.

Note: At least one of the documents must contain a clear photo of your face.


Ensure that your account is authenticated by sending us an official Form 1583, signed and notarized for our records. Alternatively, you can also record a verification video to validate yourself.

To verify your identity and proceed, click the button below to upload a video.

Make sure that your face is prominently featured and you clearly communicate the essential details within 30 seconds. Your mailbox number, full name, and address should all be accurately presented for optimal results.